OrD version history

Below is the version history for Orifice Design Calculator (OrD) Software

OrD v3.0.0.0

+ Software licensing on new activation server

OrD v2.0.1.0

+ Added check for software updates
+ Migrate source code to microsoft .net 4.8 framework

OrD v2.0.0.0

+ Maintenance release addressing software licensing on new activation server
+ Added license information screen can be accessed from Help menu

OrD v1.0.4.1

+ Maintenance release addressed software digital signature and end user license agreement

OrD v1.0.4.0

Bug fix affecting Ms Excel datasheet display

OrD v1.0.3.0

Added copy summary data grid to clipboard feature.
Interface maintenance, minor bug fixed.

OrD v1.0.2.0

Added support for decimal point separators. Software will now work with dot or comma based on operating system settings

OrD v1.0.0.0

First release