PEngCalc version history

Below is the version history for Process Engineering Calculator (PEngCalc) Software

PEngCalc v3.0.0.0

+ Software licensing on new activation server

PEngCalc v2.0.1.0

+ Added Miller equation for calculating pressure drop in pipelines
+ Added Shell-MIT Equation for calculating pressure drop in pipelines
+ Added Aude Equation for calculating pressure drop in pipelines
+ Added Weymouth equation for gas pipeline systems

PEngCalc v2.0.0.9

Relief valve sizing calculator update
+ Added column “Capacity certification” to Liquid service data grid
+ Input screens can now be maximized to full screen
+ Update report viewer display (version updated to 15)

PEngCalc v2.0.0.8

+ Added Fouling factors
+ Added P Properties
+ Added Water and Steam Properties
+ Added Check for software updates
+ Upgrade framework to Microsoft .Net framework 4.8

PEngCalc v2.0.0.7

+ correct display bug in summary report for Relief valve calculator
+ improve saved file loading for different types in Relief valve calculator

PEngCalc v2.0.0.6

+ Correct display bug in Relief valve calculator

PEngCalc v2.0.0.5

+ Maintenance release addressing software licensing on new activation server
+ Added license information screen can be accessed from Help menu

PEngCalc v2.0.0.4

+ Maintenance release addressed software digital signature and end user license agreement

PEngCalc  v2.0.0.3

+ Maintenance Release

PEngCalc  v2.0.0.2

+ Maintenance Release

PEngCalc  v2.0.0.0

+First public release

PEngCalc  v1.0.0.0

+Development release