PHex version history

Gasketed plate heat exchanger

Below is the version history for Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design (PHex) Software

PHex – v9.0.0.0

+ Maintenance release addressing software licensing on new activation server

PHex – v8.1.0.4

+ Upgrade framework to Microsoft .net framework 4.8
+ Fixed a bug affecting both fluids and plates user databases. The bug was affecting the listing of user added fluids and plates
+ Added Check for software updates

PHex – v8.1.0.3

+ Minor bug fix affecting file loading that resulted in error produced when the file is loaded correctly.
+ Added mass flow per channel and velocity through channel summary output
+ Added velocity through port and channel engineering datasheet summary
+ Some interface enhancements 

PHex – v8.1.0.2

+ Fixed bug affecting retrieving Nusselt user correlations when user is using comma for decimal point separator

PHex – v8.1.0.1

+ bug fix affecting channel pressure display

PHex – v8.1.0.0

+ Maintenance release addressing software licensing on new activation server
+ Added license information screen can be accessed from Help menu

PHex – v8.0.0.1

+ Maintenance release addressed software digital signature and end user license agreement

PHex – v8.0.0.0

+ Interface enhancements
+ Save and load feature enhanced
+ New Fouling factor tables
+ Plot counter current and co-current flow temperature profiles
+ Add multiple cases

PHex – v7.0.0.0

+ Added a feature to allow the user to select from a list of 12 Nusselt number correlations.
+ Add your own Nusselt number correlation in two different formats through a correlations database and use them during software calculations
+ Added the ability to define Nusselt number
+ Added manufacturers plate database containing over 230 plates
+ Added Units converter containing 23 measurements with 200-unit conversion
+ Modified Chevron angle input to allow the ability to enter any value
+ Minor interface enhancement

PHex – v6.0.0.0

+ Added the ability to define exchanger Heat load
+ Added the ability to calculate any two unknown temperatures providing that the heat load and flow rates are defined
+ Added the ability to set either US/English Units or SI Units as default units. The software will now remember your default used units
+ Added the ability to load fluid data and plate data to user database for quick access in new projects.

PHex – v5.0.0.0

+ Added Engineering datasheet generator – allows the software to generate an engineering datasheet without relying on other third party software. The datasheet can be exported to pdf or excel format

PHex – v4.0.0.0

+ Corrected a software bug that causes the some measurement units in SI units to be displayed incorrectly
+ Added more fields to plates user database
+ Added the ability to change between channel spacing and compressed plate pack length as inputs
+ Some Minor changes to the interface
+ Added more calculations
+ Added error check features

PHex – v3.0.0.0

+ Migrated source code to dot Net Framework
+ Improved user interface
+ Added Physical properties database
+ Added Fouling factors
+ Added Material Thermal Conductivities
+ Added Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients Database
+ Added Export to Microsoft Excel Engineering Datasheet
+ Fixed few programing bugs

PHex – v2.0.0.0

+ Added software database
+ Fixed bug with calculated flow rate
+ Modified user database to text format
+ Added new help file

PHex – v1.0.0.0

+First Release