Process engineering calculator PEngCalc contains a set of 33 common calculators grouped into one software. The software aims to provide a productive environment for all users. The calculations are carried out and produced in summarized report that can be copied and used in other external calculations.

The software currently stands at 33 calculators but have the potential to grow further in the near future.
Process Engineering calculator features
Process engineering calculator contains the calculators below;
Unit converter |
Orifice Design Calculator |
Control Valve Sizing Calculator |
Relief Valve Sizing Calculator |
API Gravity calculator |
Cavitation Coefficient |
Cavitation Number |
Erosional Velocity calculator |
Head loss calculator |
Heat Exchanger Unknown Temperature Calculator |
Heat Transfer rate or Heat duty calculator |
Hydraulic Diameter calculator |
Linear interpolation calculator |
LMTD calculator |
MMScfd Converter |
Nozzle Pressure Drop calculator |
Pipe Friction Factor Calculator |
Pipe Sizing Calculator |
Pumping Power Calculator |
Reynold’s Number Calculator |
Scale Resistance Calculator |
Sonic Velocity Calculator |
Vapor Pressure Calculator |
Velocity in Pipe Calculator |
Vessel Volume Calculator |
Vessels Liquid Height Calculator |
Fouling Factors |
Water and Steam Properties |
P Prop Physical Properties tool |
Miller Equation calculator |
Shell-MIT Equation calculator |
Aude Equation calculator |
Weymouth Equation calculator |
No. | Calculator | Description |
1. | Unit converter | 23 measurements with 200 unit conversions. |
2. | Orifice Design Calculator | The following features is available For Gas or Liquid; + Size an Orifice using International Standard ISO 5167-2:2003 Edition + Size an Orifice using Crane’s Flow of Fluids through Valves, Fittings and Pipes (Eq.3.22) + Support Corner tapping, D and D/2 tapping and Flange tapping for ISO method – D and D/2 tapping for Crane method + Calculate the Mass flow rate upstream of an Orifice + Calculate velocity, pressure loss, Reynolds’ number, Coefficient of discharge, Beta, Cross sectional area and volumetric flow rate. + Includes Standard pipe sizes, schedules, thicknesses…etc. + Ability to plot a chart profile for Calculated Mass flow rates versus Calculated Orifice diameters |
3. | Control Valve Sizing Calculator | calculate the control valve sizing coefficient CV using Masoneilan method. Sizing options include; + Gas and vapor service (Calculate CV or Flow rate from a given CV)· Liquid service Turbulent flow (Calculate CV or Flow rate from a given CV) + Liquid service Non-Turbulent flow (Calculate CV)Two phase flow service (Calculate CV or Flow rate from a given CV) |
4. | Relief Valve Sizing Calculator | Carry out calculations based on equations used in API 520 “7th Edition” and API 521 “4th Edition” evaluate multiple cases for; +Sizing conventional and pilot operated relief valves for gas or vapour relief. + Sizing conventional and pilot operated relief valves for liquid relief. Sizing conventional and pilot operated relief valves for saturated and superheated steam relief. +Sizing conventional and pilot operated relief valves for vaporizing liquids (wetted vessels) |
5. | API Gravity calculator | American Petroleum Institute gravity is a term often used to measure how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is comparing to water + Calculating the API gravity from Liquid density or specific gravity or preloaded database of fluids. + Calculate the Specific gravity from API gravity + Calculate the Barrels of crude oil per metric ton from API gravity or select a fluid from the preloaded fluids database to perform the calculation + find the classification of oil according to API gravity (Light oil, Medium oil, Heavy oil or Extra heavy oil) |
6. | Cavitation Coefficient | Used for Fluid flow in centrifugal pump. The calculator can also calculate the pump head providing that the Cavitation coefficient is defined |
7. | Cavitation Number | Dimensionless number used in flow calculations analysis. the number reflects the relationship between the difference of a local pressure from the vapor pressure and the kinetic energy per volume, Cavitation number is used to characterize the potential of the flow to cavitate. + Calculate the Cavitation Number. + Back calculate the local Pressure or Fluid vapor Pressure or Fluid velocity |
8. | Erosional Velocity calculator | Use API RP 14E to estimate the erosional velocity, the calculator will calculate the following: + Mixture Density +Erosional velocity +Minimum pipe cross sectional area |
9. | Head loss calculator | Calculate the head loss and pipe cross sectional area using Darcy Weisbach equation also plot profile charts of pipe cross sectional area versus head loss and velocity versus head loss |
10. | Heat Exchanger Unknown Temperature Calculator | Calculate any unknown one or two temperatures on the hot side or the cold side. |
11. | Heat Transfer rate or Heat duty calculator | Calculate the duty for sensible and latent heat transfer |
12. | Hydraulic Diameter calculator | Calculate the hydraulic diameter for rectangular, elliptical and annulus pipe types |
13. | Linear interpolation calculator | Perform linear interpolation between tabulated values. |
14. | LMTD calculator | Calculate the Log Mean Temperature Difference for counter current and co-current flow, also known as parallel flow arrangement. |
15. | MMScfd Converter | Convert mass flow or volume flow to Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day and vice versa |
16. | Nozzle Pressure Drop calculator | Calculate the pressure drop for nozzles in shell and tube heat exchangers |
17. | Pipe Friction Factor Calculator | Calculate the Darcy friction factor also commonly obtained from the Moody chart and also calculate the Fanning friction factor. Choose from two different equations CHURCHILL EQUATION or COLEBROOK-WHITE EQUATION |
18. | Pipe Sizing Calculator | Calculate the diameter of pipe. The calculator also has a predefined list of services the includes typical velocities which can be used for the velocity input. |
19. | Pumping Power Calculator | Calculate the following; +Pump hydraulic power +Shaft power +Motor power |
20. | Reynold’s Number Calculator | Calculate the Reynold’s number for turbulent and laminar flow |
21. | Scale Resistance Calculator | Calculate the scale resistance or Dirt factor for shell and tube heat exchangers |
22. | Sonic Velocity Calculator | Calculate the gas sonic velocity (Speed of sound) in pipes. The calculator has a small database that contain 51 gases and their specific heat ratio along with their molecular weights for quick reference during calculation. |
23. | Vapor Pressure Calculator | Use Antoine equation constants to calculate the vapor pressure of fluids, + 699 available components/fluids and their equation constants included in internal database. + Calculate Vapor pressure at a specified temperature +Calculate the Temperature at specified Vapor pressure |
24. | Velocity in Pipe Calculator | Calculate the fluid velocity in pipe |
25. | Vessel Volume Calculator | Calculate the liquid volume and total volume of horizontal tank vessel, the calculator support Flat heads, ASME F&D (Dished) heads, Elliptical 2:1 Heads and Hemispherical heads |
26. | Vessels Liquid Height Calculator | Calculate the liquid height in a vessel. The calculator supports the following vessel ends; Flat Ends, ASME F&D (Dished Ends), Elliptical Ends and Hemispherical Ends. It can also plot a profile of the liquid volume versus the liquid height. |
27. | Fouling factors | Fouling factor tables for various fluids |
28. | Water and Steam Properties | Generate water and steam properties |
29. | P Prop database | A small physical properties database contain the properties for 500 fluids, enter a temperature and estimate the physical properties of any of the 500 fluids |
30. | Miller Equation calculator | Used in hydraulics studies involving crude oil pipelines, can be used for calculating the flow rate from a given pressure drop or vice versa, the equation does not consider pipe roughness. |
31. | Shell-MIT Equation calculator | Also known as MIT Equation is used for calculations of pressure drop in heavy crude oil and heated liquid pipelines. |
32. | Aude Equation calculator | Aude equation or T.R Aude equation is used in industry to calculated the pressure drop in pipelines. The equation is used for petroleum products transported in pipelines. |
33. | Weymouth Equation calculator | Used for gas pipeline systems when large pipe diameters are involved. Calculate the flow rate of gas in a pipeline. Use for compressed and high-pressure gases |
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The is a mobile application version of this software, to read more about is on click here, alternatively visit the application page on Google Play store,
Demonstration Video Link
YouTube video link click here or watch the video on this website
System Requirement:
Process engineering calculator should run on Windows operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11
Microsoft .Net 4.8 should be installed on your computer for the software to run, these system files are normally included with the latest windows platforms but need installations on Windows 7.