Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Design

Air cooled heat exchanger design (ACHex) software is made to demonstrates the thermal design and sizing calculations of Air cooled heat exchangers. The software will design horizontal induced draft or forced draft units for liquid and gas services and will produce a three page summary of all results and a basic drawing representation. 

Air cooled heat exchanger design software (ACHex) features:


  1. Units converter includes 23 measurements units with 200-unit conversion
  2. Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement
  3. The choice between induced draft and forced draft units.
  4. Calculate the required number of Bays / Fans / Tubes / Tube rows / Tube bundles
  5. Run unlimited number of trials all will be displayed in results.
  6. Calculate Outlet Air Temperature using iteration or increment techniques.
  7. Calculate the Heat Duty or specify the Heat duty to calculate the hot side mass flow rate.
  8. Log Mean Temperature Difference (corrected and uncorrected)
  9. Surface Area for Bare Tubes and Fin Tubes.
  10. Air Mass Flow Rate
  11. Bundle Face Area, Total Bundle Face Width, Bundle Width
  12. The ability to keep the Tube Length constant for all trials or calculate it for each trial
  13. Calculate the Fin Efficiency.
  14. Calculate the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (Clean/Design/Required).
  15. The software will also estimate the Over Design and Over Surface percentage
  16. Calculate the Tube Side Flow Area, Tube Side Velocity, Tube Side Reynolds’ Number, Tube Side Flow Regime and Tube Side Nusselt Number,
  17. Calculate or specify the Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient or enter Nusselt number. For Condensing service, the input of heat transfer coefficient is required.
  18. Air side heat transfer coefficient, you can select between 4 correlations. Briggs and Young, ESDU, Kern or Ganguli alternatively the software can also accept Nusselt number input if you have calculated it from other correlations as well as heat transfer coefficient input.
  19. Maximum Air Side Velocity, Air Side Reynolds’ Number, Air Heat Transfer Coefficient
  20. Calculate the Tube side Pressure Drop, the software uses two different equations and allows you to select between them or opt in to select the highest computed pressure drop.
  21. Calculate the Air Side Pressure Drop
  22. Calculate the Fan Diameter and Total Fans Projected Area Per Bay
  23. Calculate the Fan Driver Power requirements
  24. Convert Pressure to altitude and vice versa.

Productivity Features

  1. Import physical properties data to hot side and cold side from Microsoft Excel & from WeBBusterZ Physical properties database (separate software included!)
  2. Create your own database of fluids/Components, Tubes and Fins. You can add your fluid physical properties, Tube and Fin dimensions and load the data to your project or store them for using on another project.
  3. Save/Load results


  1. The software produces a three pages summary report of all the results and adds a basic drawing representation of the design the summary can be edited/saved or copied to your own report.
  2. The software generates tabulated case trials in two different formats that can also be exported to “.csv” format and opened in Microsoft excel or Open Office.
    Below is a list of included Databases:
  3. Dry Air properties at atmospheric pressure. Simply input the temperature that you want to estimate the properties at and the software will calculate the Density, Viscosity, Specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, specific enthalpy, Ratio of specific heats and Prandtl number.
  4. Air Density at different set temperature and pressure. Simply enter the temperature and pressure and estimate the density of Air.
  5. Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points and come as separate software but easily integrated with the software.
  6. Fouling factors.
  7. Overall heat transfer coefficients for liquid, gas services and condensing services.
  8. Material Thermal Conductivities.
  9. Water and steam properties


Click here to download the demo version of this software, we don’t offer a fully working demonstration version, the demo version of air cooled heat exchanger design software will only operate with the two examples restriction. Please also note that the demo version doesn’t necessary contain latest updates made to the full version. To check out the differences please check the demo version number against the update history made to the full version on the link below.
The full version of the software doesn’t have any limitation.

To buy the full version Click here

For list of latest changes to the full version please check the version history

Other Links

YouTube Video clips

1. Exploring interface – Click here
2. Importing Physical Properties – Click here
3. Example 1: Heavy gas oil air cooled exchanger – Click here
4. Example 2: Hydrocarbon air cooled exchanger – Click here
5. Example 3: Condensing service; Steam / Air Exchanger – Click here
View Clip on this website

Screen Shots

Main screen shot:

Air cooled heat exchanger design software

For more screen shots visit our screen shots page

System Requirements

Air cooled heat exchanger design software (ACHex) needs the following system requirements to run:

  1. Microsoft Windows operating system
  2. 64 MB RAM
  3. 30 MB free disk space
  4. Dot Net 4.8 Framework
  5. Installed printer
    This software will work on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 & Windows 11 (32 bit & 64 bit)