Erosional velocity calculator for mobiles

Erosional velocity calculator – Higher fluid velocities can cause pipe erosion over time, this can impact operation and ultimately can cause safety issues and concerns, Process engineers calculate Erosional velocity in pipes to define the maximum velocity that a fluid can travel in a pipeline and based on finding they define an operational velocity limit and this can normally be 50% of the erosional velocity, having said maximum velocity this term is only related to the set point of erosion, so if a fluid is left to travel at the erosional velocity limit, it would eventually cause pipe erosion problems. Erosional Velocity

This mobile application uses a common recommended practice equations that are provided in API RP 14E to estimate the erosional velocity, having said recommended practice, it’s important to point out that different operators have their own guidelines on this issue but in the absence of guidance we can use the equation provided by the American Petroleum Institute to get answers,

The application will calculate following:

+ Mixture Density

+ Erosional velocity

+ Minimum pipe cross sectional area

The input is available in SI and US Units of measurement.Erosional Velocity calculator Main Screen

If the Mixture density is defined the application will not calculate the Cross sectional area, to calculate the mixture density and the cross sectional area, extra input is needed, Operation Temperature, Pressure, Gas/Liquid ratio, gas compressibility factor, gas specific gravity and liquid specific gravity.

The erosional velocity calculator also has predefined set values of the equation empirical constant “C” for the following set of service conditions

Continuous non-corrosive service – (Factor available assumes clean fluid and carbon steel pipe material)

Intermittent non-corrosive service – (Factor available assumes clean fluid and carbon steel pipe material)

Continuous corrosive service – (Factor available assumes clean fluid and corrosion resistant pipe material)

Intermittent corrosive service – (Factor available assumes clean fluid and corrosion resistant pipe material)

Download Information:

There is two versions of this application, a free version that will display a banner advert and will also need internet connection the other is paid and doesn’t have adverts and doesn’t need internet connection. The free version has the same functionality as the paid version.

Purchase the paid version from Google play store

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System Requirement:
Android operating system (2.3 and up)