Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Design

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design software (S&THex). Very easy to use and user friendly. 

S&THex is a software tool that is made to demonstrate the chemical design & rating calculations of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers. Unlike other tools, ensures that the calculations are performed step by step to help in understanding the design calculations.
Please note that the software can only do the basic chemical design & rating calculations of shell and tube heat exchangers and some mechanical design calculations.

Shell and Tube heat exchanger design Software Features

  1. Step by step design and rating calculations. 
  2. Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement
  3. Rating and Design Modes
  4. Units converter containing 23 measurements and 200 units conversions
  5. Save, Load and generate result in different formats
  6. Compare unlimited cases in data grid table. This feature has now been automated to allow case study scenarios for optimisation. User can select the optimisation parameters from available one and run a multi case study   
  7. Add your own Nusselt number correlation to be used in the design mode or rating mode. The correlation can be added in the following format;

Nusselt number = C * [Reynolds number ^ a] * [Prandtl number ^ b] * [Viscosity term ^ c]
Where; C, a, b and c are input variable defined by the user. the user can also choose to omit the viscosity term if needed.


  1. Generate Results and export it to Shell & Tube Engineering Data sheet that can be also saved as a .pdf document.
  2. Export results to Microsoft excel generated data sheet for editing.
  3. Export Results summary to .csv file format that can be opened in Microsoft Excel
  4. Export Results summary to .rtf file format that can be opened in Microsoft Word
  5. Print preview / print Results summary


  1. Unknown Flow rate on either shell or tube side
  2. Unknown temperature on shell side or tube side
  3. Unknown exit temperatures on both sides
  4. Duty, Area, Shell and Tube velocities
  5. Number of Baffles and Baffle spacing, Number of tubes, Scale resistance (dirt factor)
  6. Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean, Fouled and Required conditions
  7. Select from different correlations to calculate shell or tube heat transfer coefficient
  8. Shell/Tube side Reynolds & Nusselt numbers
  9. Pressure Drops
  10. Recommended minimum shell thickness, minimum recommended number & diameter of rods.
  11. Calculate Shell/Nozzle/Channel/Head/Tube sheet Thickness.
  12. Number of transfer units, Effectiveness, Thermal capacity ratio
  13. Pumping power / Inlet and Exit Nozzles pressure losses / Scale resistance Calculators
  14. Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Microsoft Excel very useful if you want to import your own physical properties

Chart Plotting Feature
+ Heat duty versus Temperature
+ Number of Tube passes Versus Tube side Pressure Drop
+ Temperature profile (inlet and outlet temperature profile for both shell and tube sides)

Included Databases:

  1. Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points and come as a standalone interface but easily integrated with the software.
  3. Ability to add your own properties in the additional user databases.
  4. Tube counts, including kern tube counts
  5. Fouling factors and Overall heat transfer coefficients included.
  6. Material thermal conductivities
  7. Standard pipe sizes and Birmingham Wire Gage Scale
  8. Water and steam properties
  9. Backup and restore user databases feature

Below are a tabulated list of calculations, this list below isn’t conclusive and other calculations are also performed based on conditions.

CalculationRating Mode
(Rate an existing Design)
Design Mode
(Design a New Exchanger)
Unknown Inlet temperature on either shell or tube / hot or cold sidesCalculate
Unknown Outlet temperature on either shell or tube / hot or cold sides Calculate
Unknown two Temperatures one shell side and another tube sides Calculate
Unknown Flow rate on either sides Calculate Mass flow or Volumetric flow based on selection
Shell DiameterCalculate or Enter

Shell ThicknessCalculate or Enter
Minimum Recommended Shell ThicknessCalculate
Baffle DiameterCalculate
Baffle minimum recommended thickness

Bundle to Shell clearance

Calculate or Enter
Baffle to Shell diametric clearanceCalculate or Enter
Number of Baffles


Baffle SpacingCalculate or Enter
Prandtl numbers, Reynolds numbers CalculateCalculate
Unknown Outlet temperatures on both sides Calculate Calculate
Heat Duty required input but can Calculate Calculate or enter if exit temperatures are unknown
Heat Transfer AreaRequired input but can calculate Calculate
Log Mean Temperature Difference (Co-Current and Counter Current Flows)Calculate

Tube wall temperature

Velocities (Shell and Tube sides) Calculate Calculate
Volumetric Flow rate Calculate Calculate
Number of tubes Required input Calculate
Number of tubes per pass Calculate Calculate
Tube to tube Clearance Calculate Calculate
Tube cross sectionalCalculateCalculate
Area per pass Calculate Calculate

Number of transfer units Calculate Calculate
EffectivenessCalculate Calculate
Thermal Capacity Ratio Calculate Calculate
Nusselt NumberCalculate based on correlation selection or enterCalculate based on correlation selection or enter
Heat Transfer Coefficients on both sidesCalculate or Enter

Calculate or Enter
Scale Resistance (Dirt Factor) Calculate Calculate
Pressure Drops: Shell/Tube/NozzlesCalculate


Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients (Clean and Design) Calculate Calculate
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients (Required) Calculate
Over design and Over SurfaceCalculate
Tube hole diameter – BafflesCalculate
Recommended Tie Rod diameterCalculate
Minimum number of Tie RodsCalculate
Head Thickness Calculate
Nozzles Thickness Calculate
Tube Sheet Thickness

Tube Channel Thickness Calculate

For Shell and tube condensers please see Shell and Tube Condenser Design (CnD)

Other benefits

The Single user licenses are PERMANENT and don’t have an expiry date. License can be managed through our software activation center. License doesn’t expire as long as you follow our simple license activation and removal instructions.

Network version is also available with a license term of 3 years can be extended during purchase if required.

To read more about licensing and pricing please visit the Prices and order information page


Click here to download the demo version of the product. Please also note that the demo version of this software will only operate with set examples which are restricted in our demo version.  The full version of this product does not have any restrictions.

We don’t offer a fully working demo version.

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Please note: the demo version may not include any latest features added in recent revisions or versions. Please check our software version history page against the demo version for detailed information and list of latest changes to the Full Version of this software

To view a demonstration videos on YouTube please see below:
Interface video – Click here
Design Mode Example 1 – Click here
Design Mode Example 2 – Click here
Rating mode example 1 – Click here
Rating mode example 2 – Click here
Importing physical property file – Click here
Temperature calculation video clip – click here

Case study Automation Examples – Click here

You can also view the video clip on this website

Main Screen

Shell and tube heat exchanger software main screen

To see more screen shots please visit our screen shots page

System Requirements

Windows Operating System, compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11

30 MB Hard disk space, 4.8 Framework