KRD version history

Kettle reboiler design

Below is the version history for Kettle Reboiler Design (KRD) Software

KRD v4.0.0.0

+ Software licensing on new activation server

KRD v3.1.0.1

+ Added Water and Steam Properties
+ Upgraded to Microsoft dot net 4.8 framework
+ Added check for software updates
+ Minor interface update

KRD v3.1.0.0

+ Maintenance release addressing software licensing on new activation server
+ Added license information screen can be accessed from Help menu

KRD v3.0.0.2

+ Maintenance release addressed software digital signature and end user license agreement

KRD v3.0.0.1

Maintenance release

KRD v3.0.0.0

+ Add Units converter
+ load/set default unit to load with software
+ Issue warning when tube pitch is smaller than or equal to the tube outer diameter
+ Calculate Tube to Tube Clearance
+ Check for inconsistent input for comma and dot
+ Over design and over surface calculation
+ Required heat transfer coefficient
+ Added Cooper correlation for pool boiling
+ Added Forster-Zuber Correlation
+ Allow user to specify input for heat transfer coefficient on shell side
+ Added design advisory notes
+ Added new default setting screen for calculations
+ updated overall heat transfer coefficient database presentation screens
+ Unlimited cases can be created in new case window. Data can also be copied for pasting in any document.
+ Bug fixes

KRD v2.0.0.0

+ Major software update to Microsoft .Net framework 4.0
+ New interface
+ Added list of cases comparison window
+ Added the ability to enter heat transfer coefficients for tube side, Film heat transfer coefficients included
+ Physical properties software separated and included as a separate product with the package.
+ New detailed results summary

KRD v1.0.0.0

+ First Release